Guaranteed Best SMP Results!



When men or women start to experience hair loss, one of the first things to notice is the impact on self confidence – the hair the scalp just isn’t the same. Self esteem will start to drop a little or a lot, and because the appearance in the mirror and in front of others isn’t the same, the feeling could be that attractiveness, appeal and beauty has been lost and the situation could get worse.

There are different ways to approach preventing, slowing down or stopping hair loss, however, not all of them prove to be effective, so options can become more and more limited. So, SMP can easily be seen as an ideal solution as you struggle to find workable ways to manage your own hair loss.


calp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a proven and popular innovative hair loss treatment. A non surgical non-invasive procedure, this  involves injecting extremely small dots of pigment into certain layers of the scalp in order to create the illusion of hair follicles on the head.

Is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) Safe

Yes, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a relatively safe hair loss treatment with satisfying results, people suffering from:

Are not good candidates for scalp micropigmentation and should consult with a trained professional before undergoing the procedure.

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